50 Foods That Are Super Healthy

50 Foods That Are Super Healthy

1. Garlic

Garlic is unbelievable healthy. Mostly the Asians use garlic in their curries. It holds allicin which helps the immune function.

2. Cucumber

If you’re going to make a salad, cucumber is the first thing  comes  to  your  mind.  It  is  one  of the most favoured vegetables in the world. It hardly has carbs or calories but contains a large amount of  water and a little amount of vitamin K.

3. Kale

Kale gives a crunch to salads and it highly includes vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli belongs to the cabbage family and could be eaten both raw and cooked. It is affluent in fiber, vitamin K and vitamin C, and has an average amount of protein.

5. Onions

Onion is something that is used in almost all the recipes. It carries many bioactive compounds and has a strong flavour too.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are argued to be a vegetable and a fruit. This too is added in salads mostly. Tomatoes are heavy with potassium and vitamin C.

7. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers can be found in red, yellow and green. The bell pepper bites are very crunchy and are very rich in antioxidants and vitamin C.

8. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in vitamin K but it has less carbs and calories.

9. Cauliflower

Cauliflower too belongs to the cabbage family. It is used in all kinds of healthy meals and could be eaten without any added tastes.

10. Carrots

Carrot is well liked by almost everyone mainly because of its crunchy taste. You can consume it either raw or cooked. Carrots are plentiful of fiber and vitamin K, carotene and antioxidants. The latter two nutrients have innumerable benefits to your body.

There are some other vegetables which are extremely healthy:  lettuce, sprouts, squash, turnips, Brussels, Swiss chard, artichokes, cabbage, celery, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, leeks, radishes

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